Wrecked and Ruined #1
ARC provided by author to facilitate this review
I met Sarah Kate Erickson when I was twenty-one years old. I was lucky enough to keep her for seven years before a tragic accident stole her from me. She didn’t die, but sometimes I think it would have been easier if she had.
I lived in a haze for those four years after the accident. Catering to her every need, even though she hated the very sight of my face. I tried to hold on to her and the future that we were supposed to build together. But you can’t hold on to someone that doesn’t exist anymore.
It wasn’t until I met Jesse Addison, a barista at the local coffee shop, that I realized I didn’t just lose Sarah that tragic night, I lost myself as well. Jesse taught me how to let go of the past and learn to love again. But what happens when your past haunts your present and the woman you used to love refuses to accept the woman you can’t live without?
Wow. Wow Wow Wow Wow WOW! I was so impressed by this debut novel by author Aly Martinez. I thought the blurb sounded interesting, but I wasn’t prepared for how much I really enjoyed this book.
I felt that the premise of this book was really unique, and Aly Martinez told this story so well. I loved Sarah and Brett right away. They were such fun, outgoing characters, and I felt like their relationship was so special.
I was heartbroken at the loss they all endured, and further devastated at how much it affected Sarah. Even though she turned into a total hose beast, I couldn’t help but feel for her, she had been through so much, and her current state was out of her control. Truth be told, I was kind of pissed! They were supposed to have this great life, and they were robbed.
It is a true testament to Aly Martinez’s storytelling that she is able to make this horrible woman a sympathetic character.
And Brett. Oh, Brett, how I love thee. Confident, yet not cocky, loyal almost to a fault. Even after everything he’s been through, and everything Sarah continues to put him through, he’s dedicated to her. He still wants to take care of her. He’s such a good man. Every woman deserves a Brett in their life.
Jesse was one of the more endearing characters I’ve read lately. She’s so sweet, a little naive, I love that she’s determined to make it work with Brett, even after all of his secrets come out. She really gets put through the wringer, but I’m so glad she held her ground. She has grace and class, and Brett was lucky to find her.
Overall, I was really impressed with this story. It has all the “good stuff”. Hot guys, strong girls, emotions, angst, heartache, trauma, HEAT, and most of all, it shows us the power of a second chance, and how, if you’re lucky enough to get one, you don’t let that go.
I’m anxious to read the next book in this series, and I look forward to more awesome reads from Aly Martinez in the future!
“Shall we make a little bet?” I ask, twirling my thumbs like an evil madman.
“Aren’t you sick of losing yet?” She laughs so hard at her own joke, she almost rolls out of the chair. Her reaction alone is enough to make me laugh right along with her.
This girl is drunk…and beautiful. And drunk. And sexy as hell. And drunk. And so very fuckable. Did I mention drunk? She isn’t in the danger zone, where she is going to be hating her very existence tomorrow. She’s in that loose-lipped-say-things-that-will-make-you-cringe-the-next-day stage. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t enjoying the hell out of seeing her in this state.
Jesse always seems to have a filter when she talks to me. It’s as if, she analyzes every word in her mind twelve times before actually spitting out a sentence. Since she started drinking, she hasn’t stopped talking. She has officially made the leap from best friend’s little sister, to woman I want to fuck. Jesus, what the hell am I saying? Am I drunk too?
“So, is that a yes or no to the bet?” I smile, glancing down and catch a glimpse of her peaked chilled nipples. “You cold, Jess?” I ask, nodding down at her nipples noticeably showing thorough her skimpy excuse for a dress.
I watch her eyes travel down her own body and her cheeks immediately redden. Oh shit! I really am drunk! Why the fuck would I say that to her? Better yet, when the hell did I lose my filter tonight? Oh God, what else have I said to her without thinking? I frantically try to think of a way to moonwalk out of this conversation. She’s uncomfortable, and I’m mortified. We both know it too. It’s written all over our faces, but in our drunken states, neither one of us can think of anything to say.
Meet Aly Martinez
I’m a 32 year old wife and stay at home mom to four kids under the age of five, including a set of twins. My life is crazy, which is probably why I drink entirely too much wine. Oh who am I kidding, I had a love affair with wine long before the kids came along. I was born and raised in Savannah Georgia, but we recently moved to Chicago. Let me tell you, this southern girl was not ready for the cold weather up here!
I’m an avid reader, but I haven’t always been that way. A few years ago my sister loaned me her Nook Color, and it changed my life forever. In the span of about two years, I read over 500 books. My newfound love of reading led me to start a book blog with two of my best friends. (Insert shameless plug here: WhiteZinBookends.com). Through WZ Bookends, I’ve had the opportunity to meet some of the most amazing authors, bloggers, and readers out there. Now that I have taken the leap into writing my own book, they’ve all shown me endless amounts of encouragement and support.
While driving home from Walmart one day in late October, a story embedded itself in my head and would not let go. It spiraled out of control until I finally opened my laptop and started writing. This journey has been a wild ride filled with tears, hand cramps, and tons of laughs. I love company, so follow me at one of the social links below and join me aboard this crazy train!
Connect with Aly
Website: http://www.alymartinez.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorAlyMartinez
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WZBookends
Email: AuthorAlyMartinez@gmail.com
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7374424.Aly_Martinez
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