Omnific Publishing
Immerse yourself in the world of Debra Anastasia’s Poughkeepsie.
Experience this bestselling novel for the first time…again as you break all the rules about books with Omnific Publishing and Debra Anastasia. In this enhanced version of the novel, you’ll enjoy insights from the author, music by Ron Pope and other artists to set the mood, and images and video that bring the scenes to life as you read. You’ll delve deeper into the world of Poughkeepsie through nearly 50,000 words of added scenes (more love, more drama, more romance!) and informative insights into how this marvelous story and its characters came to be.
Self-contained in this app (no wifi needed after downloading):
•complete novel Poughkeepsie by Debra Anastasia
•author/director’s pop-up commentary
•music by Ron Pope, Rustic Overtones, Monoxide G, Violet Winter, Bo Heart, and Jeff Epstein and the City Line Singers
•more than 100 images to enhance the story
•videos of your favorite characters in action
•special animation
•sound effects
•interviews with the characters, author, and more
•interactive games
•trailers for the Poughkeepsie Brotherhood series
•how-to knitting instructions
•how-to instructions for making a paper rose
•recipe for the dinner Livia makes for Blake
Just when I thought that I couldn’t love a story any more, Debra Anastasia goes ahead and rocks my world. Again.
If we’ve been book buddies for any length of time, you know of my deep and abiding love for the Poughkeepsie series. It’s one of my all-time favorites, and it truly is special to me.
But this? This app? I’m blown away. I fear this may have ruined me for all other books.
So just what IS the Poughkeepsie Enhanced Collector’s Edition App? The best way I can think to describe it is to liken it to a director’s cut of a movie, together with the commentary and special features, all playing at once. It truly is something revolutionary, a completely immersive reading experience. Complete with photos, videos, musical accompaniment, even sound effects placed in strategic locations, this thing is damn amazing.
We even get inside Debra’s demented little head a little bit when she shares her “director’s commentary”, her thoughts and inspirations at different points in the book.
HOWEVER. My favorite part? All of the extra content! And this ain’t no filler content, baby. I read one scene and I was sitting on the couch weeping. Fucking weeping, man.
I know this has been a real labor of lovefor Debra and Omnific. And not just regular labor. We’re talking 36 hours-breech-birth-to-a-melon-headed-baby labor. I’ve got to say, though, from the (extensive) sampling I’ve done of this app, it was all really, really worth it.
I’m going to be posting a full review of the app and the enhanced story when I’ve finished reading it, so watch this space for that! It’s going to be amazing!
This app is available for all kinds of devices!
Enhanced Poughkeepsie for iPad
Enhanced Poughkeepsie for iPhone (link to come)
Enhanced Poughkeepsie for Android (link to come)
Enhanced Poughkeepsie for ePub (on your computer) (link to come)
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