After watching me scribbling furiously in my notebook (yep, I still write in a notebook, I’m old school like that), a friend asked me what I was writing. I told her I was writing a review for my blog, and she was all, “You have a blog?” and I was like, “Duh, it’s 2013, my fucking cat has a blog.” (This, of course, was a bald-faced lie. My cat doesn’t have a blog, he’s a cat. He DOES, however, have a Facebook page. Feel free to friend him! But I digress..
I’ve been blogging in some form or another for over 15 years, even before I knew what a blog was. To be honest, when I started, I don’t think the term blog had even been coined! Want to know what my first review was? Come closer….a little closer….**whispers** South Park episodes. I shit you not. My very first website what a South Park fan site that I coded by hand, complete with sound effects! Bet you didn’t see THAT coming from your girl Mo, did ya? (It was pretty hilarious, if I do say so myself)
I’ve had several different blogs over the years, each with varying degrees of success. Sometimes I’d have a lot of readers, other times I could practically hear the crickets. So why do I bother?
Self-Absorption, Table for One
In case you were not aware, I fucking LOVE me. Hard. I am witty, charming, and not at all immodest, and I naturally assume that the rest of humanity would feel the same way.
Therefore, I feel honor-bound to share my voice with the world. It’s like, the universe commands it, or something.
……or maybe I’m just super-excited to have people out there who are passionate about the same things that I am, and I love talking to them!
OK, I’m kidding…sorta…it kinda is all about me. Let me take you on a little journey through time….**cue Wayne and Garth dream sequence fingers**…..What? You don’t get that reference? **sigh** Did you even HAVE a childhood??
You all know that I’ve always been a big reader, pretty much since birth. Well, my childhood was, shall we say, tumultuous at best, so books were an escape for me. For that little bit of time when I was reading, I didn’t have to be me. I could be Scarlett O’Hara, I could be Nancy Drew, I could be Alice Pleasance Liddell. I didn’t have to live at my house for that hour or two, I could live anywhere in the universe. Needless to say, my books became pretty important to me.
They still are very important to me. No matter what is going on in my world, books are there to make me laugh, make me cry, and offer me a temporary reprieve from the craziness of day to day life. That’s an amazing gift to me.
So when I found this fun, crazy, incredibly interesting world of book blogging, I felt like I had finally found my home. A community of people who are as passionate about books as I am, and the chance to interact with authors who write the stories I love?
Basically, blogging is a purely selfish endeavor for me. I blog and promote books and authors because I want them to be wildly successful. WHY do I want them to be successful? Because I want them to be able to write me more stories! Like I said, it’s all about me!
I know that my blog is fairly new, and I’m not one of the big dogs in the book blogging world, and maybe I never will be. But that’s OK with me! I feel like I’m doing a small favor for readers and authors, and if just one person reads and loves a book that I recommended, it’s all worth it.
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